Change layout_anchor to to position the button in the bottom right corner of the screen. The position can be changed using app:layout_anchor and app:layout_anchorGravity. You can change the background color of the floating action button with the attribute app:backgroundTint and the pressed color with app:rippleColor.

This page shows you how to add the FAB to your layout, customize some of its appearance, and respond to button taps. Make sure to add the schema xmlns:app=”” to the top, so you can use the app attributes in the FloatingActionButton element. Add the floating action button to your layout Respond to button taps A floating action button (FAB) is a circular button that triggers the primary action in your apps UI. DependenciesĪdd the latest support libraries to your app adle file and build your project.Ĭompile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: )Ĭompile ':appcompat-v7:23.0.0'Ĭompile ':design:23.0.1' src/ MaterialDesignFloatingActionMenu.You can combine this tutorial with our Android Toolbar Example to learn how to implement the new toolbar from material design. Following is the complete modified code of java activity file and you can add action to onclick listener according to your requirement. Here, we controlled all about action menu item onclick. So here is the complete step by step tutorial. This method will first get the already typed text from edittext and then clear it. This will be possible using getText ().clear () method. res/layout/ material_design_floating_action_menu.xml Java Activity File In this tutorial we are programmatically removing the typed text from EditText so application user doesn’t need to remove text by hand back press keypad key. Open your app XML layout file and add following XML code. Let's start by adding compile ':fab:1.6.2' dependency in your app adle file. This is simple task just you have to add some floating action buttons and make it as menu. Related: Floating Action Button (FAB) Using Android Design Support Library Android Menus: Best Practice and Awesome Android Menu Libraries Android Material Design Tabs Using TabLayout Android Example: How to Implement Material Design Floating Action Menu One button is visible and when users click that button, other action buttons will appear there. Using floating action menu helps to make clean and to increase content space in mobile app.

In this tutorial, you will learn to add/implement material design floating action menu in your android application or game. So, to have a floating action button (FAB) float over a ScrollView in a RelativeLayout, make sure that the ScrollView is defined first in the XML, with the FAB. Floating action menu is useful for note taking application. It is used for quick action with multiple options like uploading photo, video, writing note etc. Nowadays some popular sites and apps have used floating action menu including inbox. Floating action menu is new concept which is used in mobile apps and websites.