It's a very different experience, as you'll treat World of Warcraft more like a Dungeons & Dragons campaign. World of Warcraft also has some very popular roleplay servers where players are expected to speak and behave as their character would. Sadly, it can take dozens of hours before you realize one or the other isn't a good fit. Before you can do anything, you'll need to choose a server, faction, race, and class to play. It's a bit cruel that most of World of Warcraft's toughest decisions are the first ones you'll have to make. Shadowlands will then take your character to level 60. Players who have already completed Battle for Azeroth on one character will instead get to choose between BfA and one of the previous seven expansions to level through to 50. This expansion will take your character from level 10 to level 50, where you'll then jump into Shadowlands.

You start in Exile's Reach until level tem (or choose between the new leveling island and their race’s existing starting area, if you’re experienced) and then move onto the Battle for Azeroth expansion by default if you're new. There's a new process for how you level your characters.

This has significantly shortened the time it takes to progress a new character to max level while also making the whole experience feel more satisfying, since you get skills throughout.