I believe the last Olympics which MSNBC had exclusive rights to stream on the web, required Silverlight. Its not a requirement to have it installed, but as noted, some web pages utilize it for streaming multimedia content. Microsoft Edge doesn’t support ActiveX controls or Browser Help Objects (BHOs) like Silverlight or Java. Look for ‘Silverlight’ and ensure that it is set to ‘enabled’ by highlighting and selecting the enable button. On the left hand column select ‘Toolbars and Extensions’ and below those options select ‘All Add Ons’ in the ‘show’ category. How do I enable Silverlight on Windows 10? “There is no longer support for Chrome, Firefox, or any browser using the Mac operating system.” Click Show advanced settings, click Content settings under Privacy, scroll down to Plug-ins, and select Click to play.Ĭurrently, the only browsers that continue to run Silverlight are Internet Explorer 10 and 11. To enable it, click Chrome’s menu button and select Settings to open the Settings page. At the bottom of the configuration page, click the Relaunch button to relaunch the browser. In the Enable NPAPI section, click the Enable link. To enable NPAPI plugin support: In the browser address bar, enter: chrome://flags/#enable-npapi. Save this file to your computer and run it. Scroll down to the “Resolution” section and select the “Microsoft Fix It” button. This may be due to a broken version of Microsoft Silverlight. Why is Microsoft Silverlight not working? It’s all browser based now and uses Silverlight (grrrr). Silverlight is blocked for the particular website you´re trying to access. Silverlight is blocked because all NPAPI plugins are globally disabled in your Chrome settings. Identify why Silverlight is not working in Chrome Why is Silverlight not working on Chrome? How do I fix Silverlight on Windows 10?.What is Microsoft Silverlight can I uninstall it?.How do I enable Silverlight on Windows 10?.What browsers still support Silverlight?.

Why is Microsoft Silverlight not working?.Can you put Silverlight on a Chromebook?.Why is Silverlight not working on Chrome?.